Research on the Factors Influencing the Accuracy of the Final Accounts for the Completed Project annual statement of receipt and expenditure 影响工程竣工决算报表准确性因素的研究年度收支决算报告表
If accounting statements are prepared in foreign currencies, accounting statements in which the foreign currencies are converted into Renminbi ( RMB) shall be prepared at the same time. annual statement of receipt and expenditure 以外币编报会计报表的,应当同时编报外折合为人民币的会计报表。年度收支决算报告表
Arrangements for the receipt and expenditure of foreign exchange funds; (八)外汇资金收支的安排;
Analysis of Treasury Single Account System and Separation of Revenue and Expenditure; annual statement of receipt and expenditure 我国国库集中收付及收支两条线制度的现状分析年度收支决算报告表
How to Establish Financial Receipt and Expenditure Examination and Approval System 如何设计企业财务收支审批制度
Since 1988, there has been a big receipt and expenditure gap in the endowment insurance funds of our country appearing the indentation, and the trend is extending year by year. 自1998年始,我国养老保险资金当期收支就出现了缺口,且呈现逐年扩大的趋势。
The public finance audit ( PFA) is a special surveillance to the reliability, legitimacy, and performance of public finance in government receipt and expenditure by audit organizations. 财政审计是审计机关对政府公共财政收支的真实性、合法性和效益性所实施的审计监督。
40% of system receipts derive from social security tax and more than 60% flows from general tax. The system receipt and expenditure in England is moderate compared to those of American and Germany. 收入来源中,社会供款不到40%,一般税收占到60%以上;制度收入水平和支出水平中等,高于美国但低于德国。
The endowment insurance fund equilibrium strategies are mainly founded on the parameter sensitive of endowment insurance fund balance between receipt and expenditure in this paper. 本文对养老保险基金平衡策略的研究主要是建立在本文的基金平衡模型参数敏感性分析基础之上的。
System receipt and expenditure vary greatly every year and accumulate large fund. 每年社会保障收入、支出占GDP的比重变动很大,制度虽积累了大量的资金,但几乎没有再分配作用。